Thursday, September 26th, 2024 | 2:00 PM ET

Environ introduces Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles and the role they play in enhancing value chain resiliency. Learn essential ESG terms, definitions, and key frameworks like CDP (formerly referred to as the Carbon Disclosure Project), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)/IFRS, and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Discover how the Meat Institute's initiatives align with ESG principles and what it means for your organization. Gain insights to building a solid ESG foundation, including how to map value chains, prioritize ESG issues, develop performance metrics, and effectively communicate your ESG efforts and successes.


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Education Supported By

Oliver Hoad
Oliver Hoad
Environ Energy
Market Manager
Oliver leads the Food and Beverage division within Environ and is responsible for strategy development and managing the relationships within this sector. These strategies include the negotiation and management of electric and natural gas power contracts, demand response, renewables, efficiency, project funding, and GHG inventories. Prior to joining APPI now Environ, Oliver worked at Tesla where he developed solar and battery storage projects.

Nancy Mancilla
Nancy Mancilla
Environ Energy
Co-Founder & President
In 2008, Nancy cofounded recognized ESG solutions provider ISOS Group, which is now a division of Environ Energy. She has led numerous ESG-related certified training sessions, offered market thought leadership, and managed projects for some of the world's largest brands. Her expertise in sustainability/ESG reporting is supported by certifications from AccountAbility, CDP, GRI, and the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute. To prepare the next generation of sustainability professionals, her teaching has extended to master's-level courses at leading institutions, including Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability and the New School in New York as an adjunct faculty member.