Full Name
Sharon K. K. Beals
Job Title
Exec. DIrector
Speaker Bio
Sharon brings 40+ years’ experience in food safety, quality, and regulatory compliance, holding senior level roles across foodservice and manufacturing companies including US Foods, Maple Leaf Foods, Smithfield, Tyson/IBP and Arby’s, after humble beginnings as a QC tech on second shift at Land O’ Frost in Hammond, IN.

Her current portfolio career includes Executive Director of the Women’s Meat Industry Network (WMIN), Food Safety & Regulatory Executive with beaconpoint labs and, Founder of SKKB-LLC, which specializes in organizational design, M&A risk assessments, sanitation and common sense food safety systems.

Service to the industry is reflected in her engagement with the American Meat Science Association (2024 President Elect, 2024 Industry & Organizational Achievement Award winner, 2021 Signal Service Award winner, past BoD member, RMC chair and past Development Council member), the Beef Industry Food Safety Council (BIFSCo) (Board Member and past chair), Women in Agribusiness (current Board Member), The Alliance for Advanced Sanitation (Advisory Board) and, the Food Safety Summit Educational Advisory Board (member since 2016). She was named a Finalist for the Most Impactful WMIN of the Year in both 2022 and 2023 and most recently, was named a 2024 Demeter Award winner by Women in Agribusiness.

Sharon studied at Cornell University where she completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Foods. Free time is spent enjoying the empty nest with husband Don, hanging with the pups, Juno and Roxy, gardening and encouraging everyone to be civil in their discourse, while anxiously awaiting to be on diaper duty for her grandson this October.
“You control how you respond to the stimulus; choose to be fabulous and choose to be kind.”
Sharon K. K. Beals